Unable to add global IDs to a shapefile with the Add Global IDs tool

Last Published: September 1, 2020


When adding global IDs to a shapefile using the Add Global IDs tool, the geoprocessing fails with the following error:

ERROR 000540: The workspace is not supported. 
Image showing the Add Global IDs geoprocessing tool fails with the error.


Shapefiles use the dBASE file format (.dbf file) to store attributes. Since dBASE files do not support the global ID field type, they cannot be added to shapefiles. Global IDs are the properties of file geodatabases, feature classes, or tables.

Solution or Workaround

Convert the shapefile to a feature class before adding global IDs by following the steps below.

  1. In ArcMap, create a file geodatabase. Refer to ArcMap: Create a file geodatabase for more information.
  2. Import the shapefile (.shp) to the newly created file geodatabase. Refer to ArcMap: Importing a feature class (single) for more information. The imported shapefile is converted to a feature class.
The feature class is added to the map automatically, and is shown under the file geodatabase in the Catalog window. If it is not, right-click the file geodatabase, and click Refresh.
  1. Use the Add Global IDs tool to add global IDs to the feature class from Step 2 in the file geodatabase. Refer to ArcMap: Add Global IDs for more information.

Article ID: 000023884

  • ArcMap

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