Unable to add a database connection as a data store item to Portal for ArcGIS

Last Published: September 24, 2020


Starting with Portal for ArcGIS 10.7.1, data sources can be added as a data store item to Portal for ArcGIS, allowing it to be shared with any of Portal's federated servers.

In some cases, adding a database connection as an item fails, freezing the software during the import process.

Image of the import process failing and causing the software to freeze

If Portal does not have a designated hosting server, this process fails within the Portal GUI. Opening Developer Tools in a web browser displays the following JavaScript error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'adminUrl' of undefined
at Object._uploadConnectionFile (content.js:3415)
at Object._processConnectionFile (content.js:3412)


Portal for ArcGIS does not have a designated hosting server.

Solution or Workaround

Designate a hosting server for Portal for ArcGIS. Refer to Specify the hosting server for steps to do this.

Alternatively, register the database connection as a data store in ArcGIS Server, and use the Federate Data Item admin API to add this data store as a data store item in Portal.

Article ID: 000023939

  • Portal for ArcGIS

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