Web maps or web apps embedded in ArcGIS StoryMaps cannot be accessed when shared to a group from a different organization. Group members are prompted to log in to the owner's organization. However, the web maps or web apps can be accessed by group members from a different organization in ArcGIS Online when the web maps or web apps are not embedded in a story map.
When web maps, web apps, or story maps are shared directly to a group from a different organization, the URL automatically changes to the shared organization short URL. However, the URL of the web maps or web apps embedded in a story map remains unchanged.
To resolve the issue, remove the short URL of the owner's organization, and embed the updated URL of the web maps or web apps in ArcGIS StoryMaps. Refer to ArcGIS Blog: Best practices for embedding apps and web content in Story Maps for more information.
The following is an example of an original URL with the short URL of the owner's organization, and the updated URL with the short URL of the owner's organization removed.
Original URL: https://[short organization name]
Updated URL:
Note: When prompted to log in, click OK, and log in using the credentials of the shared group organization.
Article ID: 000022859
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