Unable to access the Portal Administrator Directory

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Portal for ArcGIS administrators are unable to access the Portal Administrator Directory when connecting via an ArcGIS Web Adaptor or an HTTPS (7443) connection.

An example of the Portal Administrator Directory URL is:


This issue may occur when an invalid certificate is used in the Portal for ArcGIS configuration file.

Solution or Workaround

A possible workaround for this issue is to switch back to the default self-signed certificate, as follows:
  1. Stop the Portal for ArcGIS Windows Service.
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  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\framework\runtime\tomcat\conf
The URL path.
  1. Right-click the server file, and click Edit.
Notepad option Edit is selected.
User must be an administrator to edit.
  1. In Notepad, press Ctrl + F to open the Find dialog box and type keyAlias. The invalid certificate name is in quotes after the equal sign for this parameter, for example: keyAlias="CertificateName"
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  1. Change the certificate name to portal, which is the default certificate setting.
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  1. Click File > Save.
Save the changes in Notepad.
  1. Restart the Portal for ArcGIS Windows Service.
User-added image

Article ID: 000013721

  • Portal for ArcGIS

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