When correctly configuring the Verizon Networkfleet Connector in ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, the input connector incorrectly generates a URL utilizing port 6280, and does not receive incoming feed.
The URL for the input connector is changed due to corruption or changes in configuration. The HTTP port is changed to 6280 instead of the default 6180, causing the URL for the input connector to be incorrect. The following is an example of an incorrect URL:
When correctly configured, the input connector creates the URL used to report to Verizon. The correct URL is displayed below:
http://<GeoEvent_MachineName>:6180/geoevent/rest/receiver/<Networkfleet_Input_Connector_Name> or https://<GeoEvent_MachineName>:6143/geoevent/rest/receiver/<Networkfleet_Input_Connector_Name>
This parameter is automatically generated by ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, and is not editable within GeoEvent Manager.
Note: Verizon sends its feed to the input connector URL. This URL must be publicly available to ensure that the feed can be received. The organization's IT/Network team is responsible for ensuring the URL is open and accessible by Verizon.
To resolve, follow the steps listed below.
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\GeoEvent\etc
Note: Ensure the latest version of the Verizon Networkfleet Connector is configured before proceeding to the next step. The latest version can be found in the ArcGIS: Connector - Verizon Networkfleet for GeoEvent Server page.
The newly created input connector now correctly uses port 6180 for incoming feed.
Article ID: 000022776
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