In ArcGIS Online, a List of Values (Domain) can be created for fields with limited values in a hosted feature layer to prevent entering incorrect values into the fields. In some instances, attempting to edit the List of Values (Domain) for a field disables the Save option, as shown in the image below.
Warning: Changing or deleting existing Code values in the List of Values (Domain) is not recommended if there are data in the field using the Codes, as the existing data are not updated. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Edit a list of values for more information.
In some instances, one or more of the following error messages are also returned:
Error: Cannot have duplicates
Error: String is too long
Error: Value must be double
Error: Value must be integer
The following are possible causes:
Note: A space, even without additional characters, counts as a character. A single character counts as a value. Values are also case-sensitive, for example, ‘Yes’ and ‘yes, are considered two unique values.
To enable the Save option in the List of Values (Domain) in ArcGIS Online, ensure all the Label and Code values are complete and without duplicates. Remove extra spaces and characters from the Code values to ensure the values fall within the defined field length. Ensure all the Code values are of the same data type defined for the field, for example, a ‘0’ (integer value) for an integer field, as shown in the image below.
Note: A string field's length and a field's data type are viewable by navigating to the layer's item details page > Data > Fields, and clicking the field's name. Under Settings, Length displays the field's length. Under Details, Type displays the field's data type.
Article ID: 000026787
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