The Save button is disabled in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer

Last Published: October 1, 2020


The 'Save' button is inactive in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer when editing hosted feature layers not owned by the user in ArcGIS online.

Image of the disable Save button in Map Viewer


The issue occurs when a member of a group attempts to edit hosted feature layers outside of the group. There are two scenarios where the Save button is inactive when editing a hosted feature layer:

  • The group can only update items available in the group. This is decided when creating a group and selecting the 'Only their own items' option under the 'What items in the group can its members update?' setting.
  • The 'Enable editing' option is disabled on the item to be edited.

Solution or Workaround

To save edits made on an item not owned by a user from outside the group, the owner of the item must allow others to edit the item on the item's Settings tab. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Manage editor settings for steps to do this.

As an alternative, depending on the cause, choose either one of the following options to resolve.

Create a new group with the All items (group membership is limited to the organization) option enabled

The What items in the group can its members update? option cannot be changed once a group is created. Therefore, a new group must be created to enable the All items (group membership is limited to the organization) option. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Create a group for steps on creating a new group. For step 8, select All items (group membership is limited to the organization).

Image of the All Items option

Add the layer to a new map with full editing control

By default, when the All items (group membership is limited to the organization) option is enabled in the group settings, all group members have full editing control on hosted feature layers in the group.

For items not owned by the user that are not from a group, the item can be added to a new web map with full editing control. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Add layer to new map with full editing control for steps to do this.

Image of opening a map with full editing control

Article ID: 000023433

  • ArcGIS Online

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