Extensions, such as Data Interoperability and Publisher, are added to ArcGIS Pro to expand the capabilities of the application. When an ArcGIS Pro extension license is added, the extension functionality is added to the ArcGIS Pro ribbon tab. In some instances, the extension tabs are disabled after adding the respective extension license to ArcGIS Pro.
Follow either one of these options to resolve the issue.
Enable the extension in ArcGIS Pro
Set the ARCPROWORKOFFLINE registry key option to FALSE
Warning: The instructions below include making changes to essential parts of the operating system. Esri recommends performing a backup of the operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding. Esri cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions. Exercise caution. Consult a qualified computer systems professional if necessary.
Computer\HKEY_Current_User\Software\Esri\ArcGIS Pro\Licensing
Article ID: 000024419
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