The search tool in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer can be configured to allow search from specific layers and fields so it is simpler to locate features in a map. When the search tool is configured to search from a string field, entering a keyword in the search box returns incorrect results and does not honor the search settings for the field (equals or contains). The image below shows the search tool settings configured to display results from a string field (StringSearch) that must be equal to the search terms.
The image below shows the incorrect results when entering '15' as the keyword in the search box.
Note: The ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Search widget behaves similarly and returns incorrect suggestions.
This is a known issue. When ArcGIS Online searches through a string field, it returns features containing the keyword and the results are sorted by the OBJECTID field. For example, when entering '15' in the search box, it returns the first six records containing '15'.
For more information, refer to BUG-000131478 and BUG-000114412.
As a workaround, use the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Search widget, and change its maximum number of suggestions to 0. This disables suggestions and returns results that match the search settings.
Article ID: 000023510
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