Items such as hosted feature layers, tile layers, web maps, GeoJSON files, or CSV files can be added to an application programming interface (API) key to generate a permanent access token for granting permission to access private content. The items can be added in the 'Content and items' tile when editing an API key.
However, the 'Add items' button is missing and items are unable to be added to the API key.
This is by design. Only Developer accounts have access to the 'Add items' button on the Content and Items tile in the Edit API Key page. This is because ArcGIS Online accounts do not need to use API keys. A Developer account is not associated with ArcGIS Online and the main target is non-GIS users. Organization account users can access the site, but the view of the site is different from Developer account users. Some of the features available with the Developer account are not available with the Organization account, and vice-versa, relating to the API keys.
If a user has an ArcGIS Online Organization account, the API keys must not be used because the account is not made to utilize them. Using OAuth2 is also recommended to implement security for accessing the applications available in the account.
To use the API keys, a Developer account is required. Those with a Developer account can use API keys to consume ESRI Location services. Refer to ArcGIS Developers: Location services for more information.
Article ID: 000025434
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