Symbols do not appear in the Symbol Selector window in ArcMap

Last Published: November 30, 2020


Symbols are used to graphically describe, categorize, or rank geographic features on a map. In ArcMap, the Symbol Selector window is used to select the right symbol for a project. Sometimes when attempting to apply a symbol to features on a map, the font symbols are not displayed in the Symbol Selector window.

Image of the Symbol Selector window


  • After a reboot, the fonts are removed from the machine due to a Windows security policy that blocks untrusted fonts. Refer to Microsoft: Block untrusted fonts in an enterprise for more information.
  • The fonts are installed as a shortcut.
  • The font used by the symbol is not installed on the machine. This issue may occur when transferring a feature from one machine to another.

Solution or Workaround

Depending on the cause, choose one of the methods below to resolve the issue.

Fix the blocked fonts

Manually install the fonts on the machine to allow Windows to trust the fonts. Refer to Microsoft: Fix apps having problems because of blocked fonts for steps to do this.

Retrieve the fonts installed as a shortcut

Retrieve the fonts installed as a shortcut using one of the workarounds in Microsoft: Fonts installed by using “Install as shortcut” are missing after a system restart in Windows 10 Creators Update.

Manually copy the fonts from a different machine on which ArcMap is installed

  1. On a machine wherein ArcMap and the fonts are installed correctly, navigate to Control Panel > Fonts.
  2. Copy the necessary font files (.ttf), and transfer it to the following directory on the machine with the missing fonts:
  1. In the Fonts folder, right-click the .ttf file, and click Install.
Image showing the Install option for font files
If all of the methods described above fail, run the repair on ArcGIS Desktop to reinstall the missing fonts.
  1. Run the ArcMap installer.
Image of the ArcGIS Desktop setup window
  1. Click Repair > Next.
  2. Click Install. Once the repair is complete, click Finish. The missing fonts are added to the Font folder.

Article ID: 000024424

  • ArcMap

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