Rotated text symbols are oriented upside down in ArcGIS Pro

Last Published: December 9, 2020


When editing in the Layout view in ArcGIS Pro, the font, size, and color of text symbols are customized according to the context and theme of the map. A text symbol can be rotated and placed at a desired location on the map layout. In some instances, when rotating a text symbol clockwise along the polar angles using the rotate pointer or by setting the rotation angle, the text symbol is oriented upside down.

The image below shows the text on a map before rotation.

Image showing a text box with the text Test1

The image below shows the text on a map after rotation.

Image showing a text box tilted and the text Test1 appears upside down


The Scheme 2, Points of Interest, Shield, and Callout text symbol styles are set to a 90-degree flip angle by default. A flip angle refers to the vertical angle in degrees, at which point the rotated text is mirrored in place. By design, the text within the text box is oriented upside down when rotated.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve the issue, change the text symbol to a Layout text symbol, or modify the flip angle of the existing text symbol.

Change the text symbol to a Layout text symbol

This workaround requires resizing and repositioning of the text symbol.
  1. In ArcGIS Pro, in the map layout, click the text box containing the upside-down text to display the Text tab on the ribbon.
  2. On the Text tab, in the Text Symbol group, click the drop-down arrow to display the text symbol options.
Image showing the Text contextual tab open
  1. In the drop-down menu, click All > Layout.
Image showing the Text Symbol type drop-down menu
  1. In the Layout window, select a Layout text symbol.
Image showing Layout specific text symbols
  1. Modify the appearance and size, reposition, and rotate the text accordingly. The text box is not oriented upside down when rotated.
Image showing a text box tilted and the text Test1 appears upright

Modify the flip angle of the existing text symbol

This workaround preserves the text symbol style while the size and position are retained.
  1. In ArcGIS Pro, in the map layout, click the text box containing the upside-down text to display the Format Text pane.
Alternatively, right-click the text box, and click Properties to display the Format Text pane.
  1. Click the Text Symbol tab.
  2. Click the Formatting Image of the Formatting symbol icon.
Image of the Format Text pane
  1. For Flip angle, modify the degree from 90 degrees to 0.
Image showing the Text Symbol tab and Formatting open
  1. Click Apply.

Article ID: 000024558

  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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