Publicly shared items do not appear when browsing an ArcGIS Hub site's content library

Last Published: December 16, 2022


In an ArcGIS Hub site, items such as hosted feature layers and web maps can be added to the content library to share with users of the site. Refer to ArcGIS Hub: Add content to a site for more information. However, in certain instances, publicly shared items added to a site are not displayed when browsing an ArcGIS Hub site's content library.

In this example, the ArcGIS Hub site, Article1, and the publicly shared web map, SEAPoints, are used to demonstrate the issue. The image below shows that the SEAPoints web map is displayed when the content library is viewed in edit mode.

An ArcGIS Hub site's content library in edit mode.

The SEAPoints web map is not displayed in the ArcGIS Hub site's content library after clicking the Browse button.

The content library is empty after it is accessed by clicking the Browse button on an ArcGIS Hub site.


The sharing level of the ArcGIS Hub site's Content group is not set to 'Everyone (Public)'. The sharing level of a group overwrites the sharing level of the items added to the group; publicly shared items do not show up in the content library if the associated Content group of the ArcGIS Hub site is not set to 'Everyone (Public)'.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, change the sharing level of the associated ArcGIS Hub site's Content group to 'Everyone (Public)'.

  1. In ArcGIS Online, click the Groups tab.
  2. Navigate to the ArcGIS Hub site's Content group. The naming convention of the group is '<site_name> Content'. In this example, the Content group is 'Article1 Content'.
The Groups tab in ArcGIS Online.
  1. On the group's item details page, click Settings.
  2. Under the Group membership section, for Who can view this group?, select Everyone (public).
The Group membership section on the Settings page of a group in ArcGIS Online.
  1. Refresh the ArcGIS Hub site and click the Browse button to access the content library. The publicly shared item, SEAPoints is now displayed in the content library.
The content library and the publicly shared web map added to an ArcGIS Hub site.

Article ID: 000027143

  • ArcGIS Online

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