Print service fails after upgrading ArcGIS Server to 10.6.1

Last Published: April 25, 2020


After upgrading ArcGIS Server to 10.6.1, attempts to print using print services fail. Reviewing the REST endpoint indicates the job titled 'Export Web Map Task' does not exist. 'Export Web Map Task' is responsible for processing the data to produce an output available for download, and in this case, to print. If the job is absent from the REST endpoint, this indicates the print service is unable to print.


This issue occurs if the 'Upgrade Site' option is not selected in the web browser window after the ArcGIS Server installation is complete.

Solution or Workaround

The following workaround enables users to return to the installer screen to select the Upgrade Site option.

  1. Stop the ArcGIS Server service. For steps on how to do so, refer to ArcGIS Help: Starting and stopping services.
  2. Navigate to the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\etc\
  3. Rename the file from config-store-connection.xml to config-store-connection-upgrade.xml.
  4. Start the ArcGIS Server service.
  5. On the machine containing the ArcGIS Server service, open a web browser and type the following in the URL bar:
    This returns a prompt to upgrade ArcGIS Server.
  6. Continue with the upgrade process and ensure the 'Upgrade Site' option is selected.

Article ID: 000019121

  • ArcGIS Server

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