Output raster size limitation warning message is returned when running the Make Image Server Layer tool

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When using the Make Image Server Layer tool in ArcMap, if the number of rows and columns for an image server layer exceeds the default values, the tool returns the following warning message:

000950: Output raster exceeds the size limitation (rows: <value> and columns: <value>) defined on the image server. Please input a smaller extent.


The Make Image Server Layer tool cannot produce an image server layer larger than the size specified in the image service properties. It can only access data that falls within the extent defined in the image service properties.

Solution or Workaround

There are two solutions to this issue.

  • Limit the amount of data that can be used by specifying a smaller extent within the tool.
  • Increase the number of rows and columns in the mosaic dataset properties and the image service properties to allow a larger output.

The instructions provided describe how to change the mosaic dataset and the image service properties.

  1. Stop the published image service.
  2. In ArcCatalog,right-click the mosaic dataset and select Properties.
  3. Click the Default tab, and select Image Properties > Maximum Size of Request.
  4. Increase the values for Rows and Columns, and apply the settings.
  5. Verify the image service is stopped, and select Services in ArcGIS Server Manager.
  6. Click the Parameters tab and select Image.
  7. Increase the values for the Maximum image size per request (rows x columns) parameter.
An image of the ArcGIS Server Manager window.
  1. Apply the settings and restart the image service.
Using the entire extent of a large image service can cause performance issues on the server end. This is because at any given time, thousands of users are accessing the raw data for analysis or downloading raw data. So an increase in the number of rows and columns increases the time it takes to process the mosaicked image, and affects the performance of the server. 

Article ID: 000011900

  • ArcMap

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