Not all labels are converted when using Convert Labels to Annotation

Last Published: October 28, 2021


In ArcMap, when right-clicking a layer that contains labels and using Convert Labels to Annotation to create annotation from those labels, the annotation is not created. In some instances, the annotation is placed in a different position than expected.


  • The annotation is displaced outside the feature labels extent when the labels are placed on the full data extent during conversion. When the labels are converted to annotation, feature labels that intersect the current extent can be displaced outside this extent.
  • The labels are based on a joined field, and the labels are converted to annotation using the 'Create Annotation For Selected features' option.

Solution or Workaround

Depending on the cause, choose one of the options below to resolve the issue:

The annotation is displaced outside the feature labels extent

Convert the labels to annotation in layout view

  1. In ArcMap, click View > Layout View.
  2. Convert the labels to annotation. Refer to ArcMap: Converting labels to annotation for steps to do so.

Alternatively, create the annotation for features in the current extent. When converting the labels to annotation, in the Convert Labels to Annotation window, ensure Create Annotation For is Features in current extent.

The Convert Labels to Annotation window showing the Features in current extent option.

The labels that are based on a joined field are converted to annotation using selected features

When converting the labels to annotation, in the Convert Labels to Annotation window, ensure Create Annotation For is All Features or Features in current extent.

The Convert Labels to Annotation window showing the Features in current extent option.

Article ID: 000003112

  • ArcMap

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