The Near Me widget can be added to a web app to enable users to find features within the buffer of a defined address or location. In some instances, duplicate images are displayed in the Near Me widget search results when only one image is added to the feature in the hosted feature layer.
Note: Alternatively, to preserve the image in the pop-up for the web map, use the URL of an image publicly shared in ArcGIS Online. 1. Add the image in My Content. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Add files from your computer for more information. 2. Change the sharing option of the image to Everyone (public). Refer to ArcGIS Online: Share items with everyone for steps to change the sharing option. 3. Copy the URL at the bottom of the item details page.4. Replace the existing URL with the URL copied from the item page. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Edit features for steps to do this.
Article ID: 000024785
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