In the ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, attempts to browse and open Business Analyst projects fail because no projects are available, even though the projects have not been deleted from the web app.
The groups associated with the Business Analyst project have been deleted in ArcGIS Online. Business Analyst projects are stored as groups in the organization, allowing for viewing, accessing, organizing, and sharing. So, if a Business Analyst group from the organization is deleted, the corresponding project in the Business Analyst account is also deleted. Refer to ArcGIS Business Analyst: Business Analyst content in your organization for more information.
Solution or Workaround
- Log in to ArcGIS Online.
- Click Content > My content.
- On the side of the page, under Folders, browse and click BA - Application Data. Take note of the project name that must be recovered. In this example, the project is BAP_test.
- Create a new group with the same name as the name of the missing project. In this example, the name of the new group is BAP_test. Ensure the Business Analyst, BA, and BAProject tags are added as Tags.
- Click Content > My content > BA - Application Data.
- Share the project with the newly created group. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Share items with a group for more information. In this example, BAP_test Preferences is shared.
- Under Folders, click BA - Project Data.
- Share the project's hosted feature layer with the new group. In this example, BAP-test layers is shared.
- In ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, refresh the home page.
- Repeat Steps 4 through 9 to recover the other projects.
The image below shows the recovered project, BAP_test, in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.