When publishing from ArcMap to ArcGIS Online, the date information in ArcGIS Online pop-up windows and attribute tables, which are stored in a Date field, appear a day earlier than the expected date.
ArcGIS Online stores time in the UTC format. This issue occurs when a Date field is used in ArcMap, but does not have a time component designated. When a service is published, the values in a Date field are copied to and stored on the server using the UTC format. If a time component has not been assigned to the Date field, the values are assumed to be in UTC format and copied to the server accordingly. Therefore, when viewing the Date/Time values from the service, an automatic conversion value is added to the stored UTC date based on the Time Zone settings of the computer. This conversion can result in an incorrect time value and in some cases can result in the date showing as the previous day.
Use one of the following options to solve the issue.
Share the data using ArcGIS Pro
Share the data using ArcGIS Pro, and specify the desired time zone before publising the data to ArcGIS Online. Depending on the type of data published, refer to the step to specify a Time Zone in ArcGIS Online: Publish hosted feature layers.
Convert the values in the Date field using the Convert Time Zone tool in ArcMap
Convert the values stored in the Date field to UTC time and do not apply any time settings to the layer. This can be accomplished using the Convert Time Zone tool in ArcMap. This tool converts the Date/Time values based on the time zones specified in the parameters, and adds a new field with the converted values. This new field can then be used when working with a service after it has been published to display the values in local time.
Use a Text field to store the date information
Note: While this option resolves the date display issues, this is generally not considered a best practice. After following this method, the functionality available only to Date fields becomes unavailable.
Add a new String field, and use the Field Calculator to populate the new field with the Date field values.
Note: When entering a date without a specific time, add 12 hours to that date. This allows the date information in the feature class to be reflected as expected in the web map. For an example, if the date information is '4/15/2015', edit the attribute to be '4/15/2015 12:00' or '4/15/2015 12:00 PM.' Refer to ArcGIS Online: Work with date fields for more information.
Article ID: 000012824
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