ArcGIS Indoors iOS app does not launch when selecting a link to a shared location

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When selecting a link to a shared indoor location on an iOS device that has the ArcGIS Indoors app installed, the location opens in the Indoors web app instead of the mobile app.


The following are possible causes for the issue:

  • The ArcGIS Indoors web app is not deployed in the default portal apps folder. Refer to Deploy the website for Indoors for details.
  • The iOS device is running version 12.2.

In both cases, the Indoors web app opens directly in the default browser set on the iOS device, instead of the Indoors iOS app being launched.

Solution or Workaround

  1. Download the file
  2. Perform a backup of ArcGIS Enterprise.
  3. Login to the Portal for ArcGIS machine.
  4. Stop Portal for ArcGIS
  5. Extract the contents to the zip file to a temporary folder.
  6. Copy and paste the files from the zip into the following folder:
<Portal installation location>\portal\apps\indoors\
Select Replace or Yes if a message appears saying index.html already exists
  1. Start Portal for ArcGIS
  2. The following webpage appears when user selects a shared location after this change.

Article ID: 000021003

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