ArcGIS for AutoCAD Create Feature tool might get stuck, making the application unable to use other tools or close AutoCAD

Last Published: July 21, 2021


With the release of version 410 (Beta) of ArcGIS for AutoCAD, we have introduced Create Feature tool which makes it easy to create features based on the properties of the feature layer. In some cases, the Create Feature tool gets locked, after which it is not possible to use any other tools in AutoCAD or even exit the application. The application must be forced to close by the following workflow:

  1. Click the Create Feature button from the UI.
  2. Add a few features.
  3. Go to Home tab > Layers in AutoCAD Ribbon.
  4. Select a different layer than what is currently active.
  5. Draw features.
  6. Activate any other commands in AutoCAD, or attempt to Exit. The last tool used, PLINE (polyline) for example, is still active even when a different tool is selected, as shown in the animated image below.
animated gif of described workflow


The issue is not with ArcGIS for AutoCAD tools, and can also be reproduced in AutoCAD without loading ArcGIS for AutoCAD. We have found that changing the active layer when using the MULTIPLE command, which repeats the next command until canceled, followed by the drawing tool triggers this issue.  For example,

  1. Open a drawing with at least two layers
  2. Activate the Multiple command, which repeats the next command until canceled.
  3. Run the PLINE command.
  4. Draw some lines.
  5. Change the layer to a different one and repeat the lines.
  6. Change to a different command, such as Circle or Point.

Note that the active command is still polyline instead of the new command selected. Neither can AutoCAD be closed at this point. This is shown in the image below.

animated gif of error workflow

Solution or Workaround

When creating features using ArcGIS for AutoCAD commands, if the workflow requires changing the active layer, cancel the Create Feature command prior to changing the layer. Doing this prevents the tool from being locked to the last command.

Since this is an AutoCAD bug and not specific to ArcGIS for AutoCAD, this issue is being reported to Autodesk. Unfortunately, at this time there is no solution other than a workaround listed above.

Article ID: 000025962

  • Third Party Product
  • ArcGIS for AutoCAD 410

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