Output true route lines from a Location-allocation analysis

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The Location-allocation analysis only has two output options, Straight Line, or None. This workflow takes the straight line output and creates the true route.


  1. Run the location-allocation analysis of choice ensuring that there is a name field for the demand and facility points.
  2. In the Table of Contents, right-click the lines generated from the location allocation, export them to a feature class, and add the data to the map.
  3. Open the attribute table of the exported lines.
  4. Add a new field called Demand and use the following Python syntax in the field calculator:
    a. If you used Facility to Demand: !Name!.partition(" - ")[2]
    b. If you used Demand to Facility: !Name!.partition(" - ")[0]
  5. 5. Add a new field called Facility and use the following Python syntax in the field calculator:
    a. If you used Facility to Demand: !Name!.partition(" - ")[0]
    b. If you used Demand to Facility: !Name!.partition(" - ")[2]
  6. Run the Spatial Join tool using the following inputs:
    a. Target Facilities = the point feature class called Facilities
    b. Join Features = The exported lines
    c. Join Operation = JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY
    d. Match Option = INTERSECT
  7. Click the Network Analyst drop-down and select New Route.
  8. In the Network Analyst window, right-click Stops > ‘Load Locations�’.
  9. Select the Demand Points to ‘Load From:’ and populate ‘RouteName’ with the Name field used to load the demand points into the location allocation analysis > OK.
  10. Right-click Stops and ‘Load Locations�’ again.
  11. Select the output of the Spatial Join tool to ‘Load From:’ and for ‘Name’ select the field called Facility and for ‘RouteName’, select the field added called Demand > OK.
  12. Solve the analysis, the routes are now exact.

Article ID:000011873

  • ArcMap

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