ORA-29875: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routine
ORA-13210: error inserting data into the index table
ORA-13197: element SCHEMA.TBL1� is out of range
ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD", line 7
This error occurs when inserting data into a table with an Oracle Spatial SDO_GEOMETRY spatial column.
This happens under these specific circumstances:
1. You are using Oracle Spatial 8.1.6 on a UNIX server.
2. You create a table with a spatial column with three or four dimensions.
3. You create a hybrid spatial index on this table.
4. You then insert new data into the table.
This is a problem with Oracle Spatial 8.1.6.
Article ID: 000004486
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