Unlike PDF reports, Excel reports do not automatically open after processing in Business Analyst 10. These reports must be opened manually by navigating to the reports using Windows Explorer.
The instructions provided describe how to locate and open an Excel report once it has been processed in Business Analyst 10.
- Run a report in Business Analyst, choosing Excel as the output file type.
- Verify the current output directory.
A. From within Business Analyst, click the Business Analyst toolbar > Preferences.
B. Note the location of the My Output Data directory, for example C:\My Output Data.
- Verify the active project.
A. While still in Business Analyst, click the Business Analyst toolbar and mouse over Projects.
B. Note which project is currently selected.
- Open the report.
A. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the output directory where the current project is located, for example C:\My Output Data\Projects\Default Project\Reports.
B. Double-click the desired report folder, and then double-click the actual .xls file to open the report.