Non-English UNICODE characters used in the definition of items become corrupt when using version 10 personal geodatabases with ArcGIS 10

Last Published: April 25, 2020


**This issue has been resolved in ArcGIS (Desktop, Engine, Server) 10.0 Personal Geodatabase Unicode Item Definition Patch.**

Non-English UNICODE characters used in the definition of items become corrupted in version 10 personal geodatabases when using ArcGIS 10. This error corrupts the source data making it non-recoverable.

Only specific uses of non-English UNICODE characters in the following item definitions cause this behavior to occur (the following is not a comprehensive list.): domain names, domain description, domain codes, default values, field aliases, table aliases, subtype names, subtype descriptions, feature dataset names, simple relationship names (but not attributed relationships), replica names, toolboxes names, topology names, geometric network names, network dataset names, terrain names, representation names.

Other uses of non-English UNICODE characters, such as in the contents or names of geodatabase tables or feature classes are not affected by this issue.


This behavior occurs through the use of two main workflows:
1. Creating new items in a version 10 personal geodatabase, for example, creating a new domain.
2. Upgrading a personal geodatabase to version 10, as the upgrade rewrites all item definitions - the information stored in the 'gdb_' tables.


Use one of the following two workarounds:

  • Continue to use the personal geodatabase at its current release, for example, the geodatabase release is version 9.2 or 9.3.
  • Copy the data into a file geodatabase using any of the available methods, such as, Copy\Paste. This issue does not affect file geodatabases.

Article ID: 000011030

  • ArcGIS Server

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