Mosaic non-data cells display with a black background instead of no color when published as an image service

Last Published: August 31, 2021


The cells of raster data can be either positive or negative, integer, or floating point. The cells can also have a NoData designation to represent the absence of data. Sometimes there are homogeneous areas in a raster dataset that are undesirable to display. These can include borders, backgrounds, or other data considered to not have valid values. When publishing a mosaic dataset that consists of a number of these underlying raster datasets, they can display with a black background around the border of the mosaic image layer.


The NoData values for the underlying raster datasets and/or the mosaic dataset have not been configured or set correctly.

Solution or Workaround

The following workflow can be followed to define the NoData values of the mosaic dataset and ensure that the published mosaic image layer displays noData values with no color:

  1. From ArcGIS Pro, create a mosaic dataset in a geodatabase.
  2. Add the raster datasets to the mosaic dataset and ensure that the statistics and pyramids are built.
  3. Build overviews for the mosaic dataset.
  4. Analyze the mosaic dataset.
  5. Build pyramids for the mosaic dataset.
  6. Set the the NoData value for the mosaic dataset in raster dataset's Properties dialog box under Raster Information, as shown in the following image.
Mosaic Dataset Properties, NoData Editor
  1. Run the Define Mosaic Dataset NoData geoprocessing tool and set the NoData value for all ALL BANDS, as shown in the image below.
the Define Mosaic Dataset NoData geoprocessing tool, setting the NoData value for all All Bands
  1. Share the mosaic dataset as an imagery layer to the Enterprise Portal.

Article ID: 000025807

  • ArcGIS Pro

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