Modify the GIS Portal Toolkit 9.3 Metadata Editor files to support ArcCatalog FGDC metadata

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to modify the GIS Portal Toolkit (GPT) 9.3 Metadata Editor files to support ArcCatalog FGDC metadata. FGDC metadata created in ArcCatalog is handled differently in the GPT, than FGDC metadata created through other metadata editors. The GPT definition file for ArcCatalog FGDC metadata is purposefully simplified, so elements that were automatically inserted by ArcCatalog do not cause validation errors when the document is published to the Portal. A consequence of the simple definition file is that this metadata displays differently in the GPT 9.3 Search Results page. The 'esri-fgdc-definition.xml' file can be altered to support displaying desired FGDC elements for metadata created in ArcCatalog. The two examples described below are web-accessible browse graphic display and the icon showing the record's content type (Downloadable Data, Live Data, etc.).


A basic understanding of XML is required to proceed. For more information about customizing the way GPT validates metadata, see the documentation titled, "GPT93_MetadataEditorCustomizationGuide.pdf", available on the GPT 9.3 installation CD.

1. Navigate to the <TOMCAT>\webapps\GPT9\WEB-INF\classes\gpt\metadata folder, and make a copy of the 'esri-fgdc-definition.xml' file. The copy is for backup, and can be deleted once the following steps have been completed successfully.

2. Stop the GPT9 Web application in Tomcat.

3. Open the 'esri-fgdc-definition.xml' file in a text editor.

4. Locate the final </section> tag at the bottom of the document.

For Editing Web-Accessible Browse Graphic Display

1. Follow steps 1-4 above.

2. Paste the following portion of code beneath this section tag. This code inserts FGDC browse graphic tags and sets these tags to be optional for validation:

<!-- Browse Graphic Support -->
<section key="idenInfo.thumbnail" open="false" obligation="optional" select="/metadata/idinfo/browse">
<label resourceKey="catalog.mdParam.thumbnail.caption"/>

<parameter key="idenInfo.thumbnail.url" meaning="thumbnail.url">
<label resourceKey="catalog.mdParam.thumbnail.url"/>
<input type="text" maxlength="2048"/>
<validation required="false"/>
<content useSelectForUpdate="true"
select="/metadata/idinfo/browse/browsen" deleteIfEmpty="false"/>

<parameter key="idenInfo.thumbnail.description">
<label resourceKey="catalog.mdParam.thumbnail.description" />
<input type="text"/>
<validation required="false"/>
<content useSelectForUpdate="true"
select="/metadata/idinfo/browse/browsed" deleteIfEmpty="false"/>

<parameter key="idenInfo.thumbnail.type">
<label resourceKey="catalog.mdParam.thumbnail.type"/>
<input type="text" size="10"/>
<validation required="false"/>
<content useSelectForUpdate="true"
select="/metadata/idinfo/browse/browset" deleteIfEmpty="false"/>

<parameter key="idenInfo.thumbnail.binary" meaning="thumbnail.binary" visible="false">
<content select="/metadata/Binary/Thumbnail/Data" />

3. Save the file, close it, and restart the GPT9 Web application in Tomcat. Now, when a FGDC document created in ArcCatalog is published and approved, its web-accessible browse graphic will display in its search result on the Portal's search page.

For Editing Content Type Icon Display

1. Follow steps 1-4 above.

2. Paste the following portion of code beneath the final section tag at the end of the document. This code inserts FGDC tags for resource description, which the Portal interprets so it can display the correct icon for the content type instead of the 'Unknown' icon:

<!-- Resource Description resdesc -->
<section key="distInfo" open="false" obligation="optional" select="/metadata/distinfo">
<label resourceKey="fgdc.distInfo.caption"/>
<parameter key="distInfo.resoDesc" meaning="resource.type" >
<label resourceKey="fgdc.distInfo.resoDesc"/>
<input type="selectWithOther" otherCodeKey="otherCodeKey" size="30"/>
<validation required="false" valueType="string"/>
<content useSelectForUpdate="true" select="/metadata/distinfo/resdesc" deleteIfEmpty="false">
<code key="Live Data and Maps" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.liveData"/>
<code key="Downloadable Data" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.downloadableData"/>
<code key="Offline Data" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.offlineData"/>
<code key="Static Map Images" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.staticMapImages"/>
<code key="Other Documents" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.document"/>
<code key="Applications" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.application"/>
<code key="Geographic Services" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.geographicService"/>
<code key="Clearinghouses" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.clearingHouse"/>
<code key="Map Files" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.mapFiles"/>
<code key="Geographic Activities" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.resType.geographicActivies"/>
<code key="otherCodeKey" resourceKey="fgdc.mdCode.other"/>

3. Save the file, close it, and restart the GPT9 Web application in Tomcat. Now when a FGDC document created in ArcCatalog is published and approved, if there is a valid data content type in the <resdesc> tags, the corresponding icon for the content type will display next to its search result on the Portal's search page.

Article ID:000010435

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