Missing gallery in Local Government Maps and Apps, HTTP 500 error "Unable to decrypt token"

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

Local Government Maps and Apps gallery only shows the messages "Loading Maps and Apps..." or "No items were found" after March 21, 2012.

Viewed in a web browser debugger, the response to the following URL


begins with

{"error":{"code":500,"message":"Unable to decrypt token: ...

This error applies to the Local Government Maps and Apps Gallery download.


Local Government Maps and Apps connects to content stored in a group on, so the site is configured with an authentication token for access rights. The encryption that uses for tokens was improved on the night of March 21, 2012, and this improvement requires the Maps and Apps site administrator to regenerate the site's access token to use the new security.

Solution or Workaround

Create a new authentication token for the site to access its gallery account.

  1. Generate a new token using Token Helper. The page
    displays the token and the UNIX-style expiration date (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970).
  2. Copy the value in the pair of quotation marks after the keyword 'token'.
  3. Paste that value into the site's configuration\config.txt file inside the pair of quotation marks that follows the keyword 'galleryOwnerAccessToken'.

Article ID: 000011518

  • ArcGIS for Local Government

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