The token generated for a Maps and Apps Gallery expires sooner than expected. TokenHelper created year-length tokens, but the tokens are expiring in weeks.
Note: This only affects the 10.1 and 10.1 SP1 releases of Maps and Apps, the version that requires the manual generation and configuration of an access token. no longer generates long-duration tokens; the maximum token duration is two weeks.
If using the version of the Maps and Apps Gallery that requires the token to be configured, it is recommended to convert the site to the latest version. The new version automatically generates the token as needed, which saves the maintenance chore of keeping the token up-to-date.
The latest version is available from Esri's Github site.
Note: As of April 2018, the Maps and Apps Gallery app template is in the Mature Phase of the ArcGIS Online Product Lifecycle. For more information regarding support of this app template, refer to the Maps and Apps Gallery requirements page. It is recommended to use the Minimal Gallery app template instead.
There are two important changes to the gallery:
The gallery comes with a web page called checklist.html which is the best way to test and troubleshoot the various aspects of the configuration outside of the application itself.
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