The Maps and Apps Gallery 10.1 displays the heading and the tabs for Home, Gallery, Submit Your App, and About, but the content for these sections is missing in Google Chrome browser versions 29 and later.
A change in Google Chrome (beginning with version 29) breaks Dojo’s library 1.6.1, which is the version used by Maps and Apps Gallery 10.1.
Note: As of April 2018, the Maps and Apps Gallery app template is in the Mature Phase of the ArcGIS Online Product Lifecycle. For more information regarding support of this app template, refer to the Maps and Apps Gallery requirements page.
Replace four references to Dojo's 1.6.1 library with the later library, 1.6.2.
: : : <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link> : : : <link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link> : : : <img width="20px" height="20px" title="Animation for loading page" src=""><br> : : : <script src=""></script> : : :
Article ID: 000011903
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