Map draw operation returns error 'No image data returned from server (Draw failed)'

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

The following error displays in the debug console during a map draw operation:

MapHandler error message:
DrawImage returned error: No image data returned from server (Draw failed)

The URL for the GET request to the MapHandler is also included.

The following information applies to applications built with the ArcGIS Server Web ADF for the Microsoft .NET Framework.


If the Map contains a graphics resource that is visible but all of its graphics layers are not, this error is returned by the MapHandler during a map draw operation.

Solution or Workaround

While there is no explicit workaround, there are a few minor adverse effects from this situation.

1) There is a request to draw a map image for graphics that are not visible.

2) An 'error' message is returned instead of an image from a call to the MapHandler.

When a non-cached ArcGIS Server resource is visible, but its layers are not, map draw operations, such as an extent change, requests a map image by way of the MapHandler. The map image is empty. For ADF graphics resources, a map image is not generated, but the error message is returned. While this raises concerns because the error is visible in the debug output window, the effect on a Web ADF application at runtime is negligible. From an end-user perspective, the Web ADF application still functions and there is no indication that an 'error' occurred.

    Article ID: 000010427

    • ArcGIS Server

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