Manually configure ArcIMS with IIS and Apache Tomcat 6.0

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to manually configure ArcIMS with IIS and Apache Tomcat 6.0.


Follow these steps to configure the Apache HTTP Web server and the Apache Tomcat servlet container, the Service Administrator and the following connectors:

• CS-W

If the Web server and servlet engine were not configured during the post-installation setup, the Web server must be configured manually.

If installation of the WFS, WMS, CS-W or OAI-PMH connectors and the Web server-servlet engine configuration were completed in the post-installation setup, these steps have been automatically completed.

If the Web server and servlet engine are not operational, contact the system administrator before proceeding. See for information on problems with Jakarta-Tomcat.
For supported versions of Web server-servlet engines, see the ArcIMS 10 System Requirements.

Configuring IIS with Apache Tomcat for ArcIMS

1. Navigate to <ArcIMS Installation location>\ArcIMS\Connectors\Servlet. Create a copy of the aimsservletconnector.war (copy and paste the file to a location) and rename the copy servlet.war. Copy servlet.war to <Tomcat installation location>\webapps.

2. Wait a few seconds and the file automatically expands to a folder with the same name (servlet). If the aimsservletconnector.war file was deployed, rename the aimsservletconnector folder to servlet.

If the servlet.war file does not expand automatically, try restarting Tomcat.
· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows 2008, click Server Manager or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

3. Go to the <Tomcat installation location>\webapps\servlet\WEB-INF\classes directory and open Esrimap_prop. Rename the AppServerMachine variable 'APPSMACHINE' to the name or IP address of the machine where ArcIMS Application Server is installed. Change the AppServerClientPort if using a non-default client port. Save the changes to the file.

4. In a text editor (such as Notepad), open the file located at <Tomcat Installation Directory>\conf.

5. Add the following lines:

# Mount the ArcIMS Servlet Connector

Save and close the file.

6. Restart the Apache Tomcat, World Wide Web Publishing Service and IIS Admin Service services.

· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services service.
· On Windows Server 2008, click Server Manager on the Quick Start menu or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat and World Wide Web Publishing services. From the left side, expand Roles and click on Web Server (IIS). On the right side beside System Services, click Restart. Alternatively, to restart IIS, click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click on the machine name on the left side (under "Start Page"). On the right side under Actions > Manage Server, click Restart.

7. Create virtual directories in IIS:

A. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

· For IIS 7.0 (Windows Server 2008), click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Expand machine name and Sites.

· For IIS 7.0 (Windows Vista), click Start > Control Panel > [System and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Expand machine name and Sites.

· For IIS 6.0 (Windows Server 2003), click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Expand machine name and Web Sites.

· For IIS 5.1 (Windows XP), click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services. Expand localhost folder and Web Sites.

B. All Windows Operating Systems: Click Default Web Site to highlight it.

· Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: Right-click and select Add Virtual Directory.

· Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: Right-click > New > Virtual Directory.

C. Windows 2003 and Windows XP only (Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista skip this step): the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard displays. Click Next.

D. Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: In the Alias text box type output.
Windows 2003 and Windows XP: Type the following for the Alias: output and Click Next.

E. Select output directory:

· Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: Click the Browse button next to the Physical path text box. Browse to location of ArcIMS Output directory chosen during installation (for example, C:\ArcIMS\Output). Click OK. Click OK. output appears in the virtual directory list.

· Windows 2003 and Windows XP: Click Browse and browse to location of ArcIMS Output directory chosen during installation (for example, C:\ArcIMS\Output). Click OK. Click Next.

F. Grant user permissions:

· Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: Expand Default Web Site if unexpanded. Click on Output directory to highlight. In right panel (Actions) click Edit Permissions. Click Security tab. Click Edit. Click Add. Click on Locations and select the computer name as location. Click OK. In the ‘Enter the objects name to select’ text box, enter Users. Click OK. Under Group or user names click on Users. Under Permissions for Users grant the user the following permissions:
▪ Read & execute
▪ List Folder Contents
▪ Read
Click OK. Click OK.

· Windows 2003 and Windows XP: Enable the following Access Permissions: Read, Run Scripts (such as ASP), and Browse by checking the box next to each one, if not enabled. Click Next, and click Finish. Output appears in the virtual directory list.

G. In IIS Manager, Click Default Web Site to highlight it.

H. Add virtual directories:

· Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: Right-click and select Add Virtual Directory.

· Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: Right-click > New > Virtual Directory.

I. Windows 2003 and Windows XP only (Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista skip this step): the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard displays. Click Next.

J. Enter name of alias:

· Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: In the Alias text box type website.

· Windows 2003 and Windows XP: Type the following for the Alias: website and Click Next.

K. Add ArcIMS directory:

· Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: Click the Browse button next to the Physical path text box. Browse to location of ArcIMS Website directory chosen during installation (for example, C:\ArcIMS\Website). Click OK. Click OK. website appears in the virtual directory list.

· Windows 2003 and Windows XP: Click Browse and browse to location of ArcIMS Website directory chosen during installation (for example, C:\ArcIMS\Website). Click OK. Click Next.

L. Enable access permissions:

· Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: Expand Default Web Site if unexpanded. Click on Output directory to highlight. In right panel (Actions) click Edit Permissions. Click Security tab. Click Edit. Click Add. Click on Locations and select the computer name as location. Click OK. In the ‘Enter the objects name to select’ text box, enter Users. Click OK. Under Group or user names click on Users. Under Permissions for Users grant the user the following permissions: Read & execute, List Folder Contents, and Read. Click OK. Click OK.

· Windows 2003 and Windows XP: Enable the following Access Permissions: Read, Run Scripts (such as ASP), and Browse by checking the box next to each one, if not enabled. Click Next, and click Finish. Website appears in the virtual directory list.

Virtual directories for Output and Website will be created.

Use the Diagnostics tool to test the ArcIMS installation: Verify the ArcIMS installation was successful.

If these tests are successful, the ArcIMS Application Server and ArcIMS Servlet Connector are configured correctly.

If an error message is received, select the error number in the dropdown list and click View. The error number and a description are displayed. Follow the instructions in the description to fix the problem and try the Diagnostics tool again.

a. Click Start > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcIMS > ArcIMS Diagnostics. The ArcIMS Diagnostics tool displays.
b. Select your Web server protocol, type your Web server name including domain, and type your port number. The default is 80.
c. Click 1 to test the ArcIMS Servlet Connector and 2 to test the ArcIMS Application Server.

See the ArcGIS Installation Guide help files for more information: Installing ArcIMS on Microsoft Windows, Step 5: Configure ArcIMS, for the final step required to get ArcIMS running.

Configuring IIS with Apache Tomcat for Service Administrator

Follow these steps to manually configure IIS with Tomcat for Service Administrator:

1. Navigate to <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\ArcIMS\Administrator and copy the esriadmin.war file to the <Tomcat Installation Directory>\webapps folder.

2. The war file deploys itself into a folder called 'esriadmin'.

If the folder is not created, stop and start the Tomcat service and check again.
· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows 2008, click Server Manager or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

3. In a text editor (such as Notepad), open the file located at <Tomcat Installation Directory>\conf.

4. Add the following lines:

# Mount the Service Administrator

Save and close the file.

5. Restart the Apache Tomcat, World Wide Web Publishing Service and IIS Admin Service services.

· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services service.
· On Windows Server 2008, click Server Manager on the Quick Start menu or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat and World Wide Web Publishing services. From the left side, expand Roles and click on Web Server (IIS). On the right side beside System Services, click Restart. Alternatively, to restart IIS, click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click on the machine name on the left side (under "Start Page"). On the right side under Actions > Manage Server, click Restart.

6. To verify that the Service Administrator was configured successfully, in a Web browser go to http://<hostmachine>/esriadmin

See ArcIMS Help for more information on Service Administrator.

See the ArcGIS Installation Guide help files for more information: Installing ArcIMS on Microsoft Windows, Step 5: Configure ArcIMS, for the final step required to get ArcIMS running.

Configuring IIS with Apache Tomcat for WFS Connector

Follow these steps to manually configure IIS with Tomcat for the WFS Connector:

1. Locate the file wfsconnector.war in the <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\Connectors\wfs_connector directory. This is the WAR file to deploy.

2. Copy the file wfsconnector.war from the <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\connectors\wfs_connector directory to <Tomcat installation location>\webapps.

3. The war file deploys itself into a folder called 'wfsconnector'.

If the folder is not created, stop and start the Tomcat service and check again.
· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows 2008, click Server Manager or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

4. In a text editor (such as Notepad), open the file located at <Tomcat Installation Directory>\conf.

5. Add the following lines:

# Mount WFS Connector

Save and close the file.

6. Restart the Apache Tomcat, World Wide Web Publishing Service and IIS Admin Service services.

· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services service.
· On Windows Server 2008, click Server Manager on the Quick Start menu or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat and World Wide Web Publishing services. From the left side, expand Roles and click on Web Server (IIS). On the right side beside System Services, click Restart. Alternatively, to restart IIS, click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click on the machine name on the left side (under "Start Page"). On the right side under Actions > Manage Server, click Restart.

7. Ensure that a folder appears in the webapps directory called 'wfsconnector'.

When deploying the WAR file, the servlet engine expands the WAR file. The default location is <servlet install directory>\webapps\wfsconnector.

8. Verify that the connector is successfully installed.

Type the following URL in a Web browser to verify the WFS Connector has been installed correctly:
<hostname> is the URL domain name for your site such as or localhost.
<deploy_name> is the name you assigned when you deployed the WFS Connector. The recommended deployment name is "wfsconnector" (without quotes).

After you have verified the WFS Connector is communicating properly, you can start administering the WFS connector.

Configuring IIS with Apache Tomcat for WMS Connector

Follow these steps to manually configure IIS with Tomcat for the WMS Connector:

1. Locate the file wmsconnector.war in the <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\Connectors\wms_connector directory. This is the WAR file to deploy.

2. Copy the file wmsconnector.war from the <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\connectors\wms_connector directory to <Tomcat installation location>\webapps.

3. The war file deploys itself into a folder called 'wmsconnector'.

If the folder is not created, stop and start the Tomcat service and check again.
· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows 2008, click Server Manager or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

4. In a text editor (such as Notepad), open the file located at <Tomcat Installation Directory>\conf.

5. Add the following lines:

# Mount WMS Connector

Save and close the file.

6. Restart the Apache Tomcat, World Wide Web Publishing Service and IIS Admin Service services.

· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services service.
· On Windows Server 2008, click Server Manager on the Quick Start menu or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat and World Wide Web Publishing services. From the left side, expand Roles and click on Web Server (IIS). On the right side beside System Services, click Restart. Alternatively, to restart IIS, click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click on the machine name on the left side (under "Start Page"). On the right side under Actions > Manage Server, click Restart.

7. Ensure a folder appears in the webapps directory called 'wmsconnector'.

When the WAR file is deployed, the servlet engine expands the WAR file. The default location is <servlet install directory>\webapps\wmsconnector.

8. Verify the connector is installed successfully:

Type the following URL in a Web browser to verify the WMS Connector has been installed correctly:
<hostname> is the URL domain name for your site such as or localhost
<deploy_name> is the name you assigned when you deployed the WMS Connector. The recommended deployment name is "wmsconnector" (without quotes).

After you have verified the WMS Connector is communicating properly, you can start administering the WMS connector.

Configuring IIS with Apache Tomcat for CS-W Connector

Follow these steps to manually configure Apache with Tomcat for the CS-W Connector:

1. Locate the file aimscsw.war in the <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\Metadata\CSW\Connector directory. This is the WAR file to be deployed.

2. Copy the file aimscsw.war from the <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\Metadata\CSW\Connector directory to <Tomcat installation location>\webapps.

3. The war file deploys itself into a folder called 'aimscsw'.

If the folder is not created, stop and start the Tomcat service and check again.
· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows 2008, click Server Manager or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

4. In a text editor (such as Notepad), open the file located at <Tomcat Installation Directory>\conf.

5. Add the following lines:

# Mount the CS-W Connector

Save and close the file.

6. Restart the Apache Tomcat, World Wide Web Publishing Service and IIS Admin Service services.

· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services service.
· On Windows Server 2008, click Server Manager on the Quick Start menu or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat and World Wide Web Publishing services. From the left side, expand Roles and click on Web Server (IIS). On the right side beside System Services, click Restart. Alternatively, to restart IIS, click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click on the machine name on the left side (under "Start Page"). On the right side under Actions > Manage Server, click Restart.

7. Navigate to the URL: http://hostname/aimscsw/login.jsf to configure the CS-W service.

The servlet engine expands the war file when the war file is deployed. The default location is <servlet install directory>\webapps\aimscsw.

Configuring IIS with Apache Tomcat for OAI-PMH connector

Follow these steps to manually configure Apache with Tomcat for the OAI-PMH connector:

1. Locate the file aimsharvester.war in the <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\Metadata\OAI-PMH\Connector directory. This is the WAR file to deploy.

2. Copy the file aimsharvester.war from <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\Metadata\OAI-PMH\Connector directory to <Tomcat installation location>\webapps.

3. The .war file deploys itself and an 'aimsharvester' directory is displayed.

If the folder is not created, stop and start the Tomcat service and check again.
· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat service.
· On Windows 2008, click Server Manager or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

4. In a text editor (such as Notepad), open the file located at <Tomcat Installation Directory>\conf.

5. Add the following lines:

# Mount the OAI-PMH Connector

Save and close the file.

6. Restart the Apache Tomcat, World Wide Web Publishing Service and IIS Admin Service services.

· On Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > [Performance and Maintenance] > Administrative Tools > Component Services and click Services on the Tree tab. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Vista, click Start > Control Panel (switch to Classic View, if necessary) > Administrative Tools > Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services.
· On Windows Server 2003, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and Start the Apache Tomcat, IIS Admin, and World Wide Web Publishing services service.
· On Windows Server 2008, click Server Manager on the Quick Start menu or right-click Computer on the desktop and select Manage. Expand Configuration and click on Services. Restart the Apache Tomcat and World Wide Web Publishing services. From the left side, expand Roles and click on Web Server (IIS). On the right side beside System Services, click Restart. Alternatively, to restart IIS, click Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Click on the machine name on the left side (under "Start Page"). On the right side under Actions > Manage Server, click Restart.

7. In a text editor (such as Notepad), open <ArcIMS install directory>\ArcIMS\Metadata\OAI-PMH\Connector\aimsharvester\WEB-INF\classes\ and edit the following variables:

defaultServiceName=Browse_Metadata (replace Browse_Metadata with the name of the Metadata Service the connector accesses)

url= (replace with the Internet address of the server that hosts the ArcIMS Metadata Service)

username= and password= (optionally, add a user name and password defined in the ArcIMS Server’s Access Control List if browsing the Metadata Service is restricted but metadata discovery is allowed with a specific user name that has access to public information)

appServerMachine=hostname (replace hostname with Application Server machine name)

appServerPort=5300 (or port for Application Server machine)

Identify.repositoryName=ArcIMS Metadata Service (replace ArcIMS Metadata Service with an appropriate name for an organization’s Metadata Service)

Identify.baseURL=http://localhost/aimsharvester/oai2.0 (replace http://localhost with the same value provided in the URL variable above; this is the URL to which OAI-PMH requests are sent)

Identify.adminEmail.0= (add an email address where the administrator of the Metadata Service can be contacted) (replace with an identifier representing the server that hosts the Metadata Service—this should not be prefaced by “http://”)

Identify.description.0=<description>�</description> (update this XML response to properly identify the service by replacing both occurrences of localhost in this string with an appropriate host name for the ArcIMS Application Server such as the value of the repositoryIdentifier variable)
Logger.level=INFO (optionally, update the level of information that is recorded in the connector’s log file)

Some additional information is available at: Adding the OAI-PMH Connector to your Metadata Service

After saving the changes and restarting the servlet engine and Web server, verify the OAI-PMH connector has been successfully configured. In a Web browser, type the following URL:

Some Web servers may require an additional forward slash (/) at the end of the above URL.

The servlet engine expands the WAR file when the WAR file is deployed. The default location is <servlet install directory>\webapps\aimsharvester.

Article ID:000011049

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