When adding a business data layer to the map, the list of location types is not displayed.
This issue occurs during the Add data workflow. After selecting the dataset to add to the map and clicking Next, the ‘How is location represented in your data?’ area of the page is blank.
The built-in proxy mechanism of the Esri Maps plugin is unable to complete a request to the LocationProviders.xml file.
Solution or Workaround
The solution to this problem is to modify the proxy configuration file.
- Open the Esri Maps proxy configuration file in a standard text editor such as Notepad++. The location of this file depends on the product used:
• In Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects:
• In Esri Maps for MicroStrategy:
<web_application_server_install_dir>/plugins/em4mstr/{asp or jsp}/proxy.config
• In Esri Maps for IBM Cognos:
- In Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects or Esri Maps for MicroStrategy locate the attribute called 'mustMatch'.
In Esri Maps for IBM Cognos this is the 'matchUrls' property.
If the mustMatch (or matchUrls) property is set to false, a firewall may be blocking requests from the Esri Maps plugin’s built-in proxy mechanism to the URL. To resolve this issue, an upstream proxy can be configured to complete requests to this URL.
• In Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects and Esri Maps for MicroStrategy:
a. Set the 'useUpstreamProxy' element’s 'enabled' attribute to 'true'.
b. Specify the URL and port of the upstream proxy server.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<serverUrls mustMatch="false">
<serverUrl url=""/>
<useUpstreamProxy enabled="true">
• In Esri Maps for IBM Cognos:
a. Set the 'upStreamProxy' value to 'true'.
b. Specify the URL and port for the 'upStreamProxyUrl' parameter.
If the 'mustMatch' (or 'matchUrls') property is set to 'true', and is not listed in the serverUrls parameter, it must be added:
• In Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects and Esri Maps for MicroStrategy:
a. Add a new URL attribute to the serverUrl element and specify as the url.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<serverUrls mustMatch="true">
<serverUrl url=""/>
<serverUrl url=""/>
<useUpstreamProxy enabled="false">
• In Esri Maps for IBM Cognos:
a. Add a new 'serverUrl' property to the file and use as the value for the parameter.
- Verify that there are no syntax or typographical errors in the proxy.config file. Save and close the file.
- Restart the web server and clear the browser cache for the changes to take effect.