Locate the ArcGIS Pro Updatelog.txt file

Last Published: November 20, 2024


In some situations it is necessary to provide an Updatelog.txt file to investigate ArcGIS Pro Software update issues. The following procedure describes the steps to locate this file.


The ArcGIS Pro Updatelog.txt file can be used to help investigate unexpected behavior when running software updates from the in-app notification.

  1. To locate the ArcGISUpdate.exe log file (UpdateLog.txt), go to the Windows Control Panel > Network and internet > Internet Options. On the General tab of the Internet Properties dialog, in the Browsing history section, click the Settings button.
  2. On the Temporary Internet Files tab of the Website Data Settings dialog box, note the Current location for temporary internet files.

    This location determines where ArcGISUpdate.exe stores the initial download of the updated software installer. The final subfolder name varies by operating system. In this case, it is '\INetCache'. In other cases, it may be '\Temporary Internet Files', or something else.
  1. Before browsing to the path above, the first part of it must be modified, replace the following path:



and keep the rest of the path the same.

  1. Type the modified path into a Windows Run dialog prompt or the address bar of an open Windows Explorer folder.
This folder is normally hidden by the Windows 'Hide protected operating system files' system setting.
  1. Once open, navigate to ArcGISUpdate, and then ArcGISPro. The UpdateLog.txt file is located in this folder.

Article ID: 000012726

  • ArcGIS Pro

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