Frequently asked question

Do I need different license files (Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Server) for each of my development, staging, and production environments?

Last Published: January 28, 2025


Some organizations use a multi-environment approach with different development, staging, and production ArcGIS Enterprise environments.

For a multi-environment approach, use the same Portal for ArcGIS license file for each ArcGIS Enterprise environment. Additional environments do not get a different set of named user licenses separate from those in the production environment. The number of named users available must be consistent between the production and any additional environments.

If using ArcGIS Enterprise for managing ArcGIS Pro named users licenses, use the following steps. These steps vary depending on which version of ArcGIS Enterprise is in use:

  • For ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4 and later: The requirement for ArcGIS License Manager was removed with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4 and now a license file is locked to a single ArcGIS Enterprise organization. The production license file, which includes the portal URL for the production organization, can be imported into all ArcGIS Enterprise portal environments. When the license file is imported into the lower environments, other than production, everything will work as expected, with the caveat that it cannot be set as the licensing portal to authorize ArcGIS Pro. You will see warning messages informing you of the portal URL mismatch in the portal logs. You will only be able to set the production environment as the named user licensing portal to authorize ArcGIS Pro. However, after authorizing ArcGIS Pro to use the production environment as its licensing portal, you can still consume and share content to all ArcGIS Enterprise environments.

11.4 and 11.5.png

  • If using ArcGIS License Manager (required for ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 and prior): All of your ArcGIS Enterprise environments must be configured to use the same ArcGIS License Manager. This is specified during the provisioning of the license file in My Esri.

License Management in ArcGIS Enterprise

To authorize ArcGIS Server in a staging environment, you must have an ArcGIS Server license for the number of cores used in each of the ArcGIS Enterprise environments.

Please note, to be authorized to use tiered environments, you must purchase additional ArcGIS Server staging licenses. These are available for purchase at a lower cost than production licenses. Reach out to your Esri Account Manager for more information.

Article ID: 000034688

  • ArcGIS Enterprise

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