java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Property 'metadataProfile' has no setter method

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

Upon launching the Map Viewer, instead of a map display, the following error occurs:

"java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Property 'metadataProfile' has no setter method".


The cause of this is an improperly defined bean property reference in the fc-jitk-metadata-context.xml.

Solution or Workaround

Modify the fc-jitk-metadata-context.xml file.

  1. Navigate to the <Tomcat Installation Directory>\webapps\mvs_viewer\WEB-INF\jitk-faces-config folder in Windows Explorer.
  2. Open the fc-jitk-metadata-context.xml file in a text editor such as Notepad.
  3. Do a search for

  4. There should be two (2) instances of this property-name in the file. The first instance reads 'metadataProfile' and the second reads 'metadataProfile2'. Both instances should read 'metadataProfile2'. Change the property-name of metadataProfile to be metadataProfile2.
  5. Save the file and exit.
  6. Reload the Map Viewer application in Tomcat Manager.

Article ID: 000010253

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