Frequently asked question

Is it possible to insert a CAD title block to an ArcMap layout?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


A title block can be displayed in ArcMap if the block is in the model space of the AutoCAD drawing. ArcGIS for Desktop only reads the entities within the AutoCAD model space. If the title block is in the paper space, copy the title block from the paper space into the model space of the CAD drawing. This allows the title block to be displayed in ArcMap as a GIS feature. For more information, refer to the following Help document, ArcMap: Adding CAD data to a map.

A title block can also be recreated using the tools in the Insert menu or Draw toolbar. For more information, refer to ArcMap: A quick tour of page layouts. Alternatively, add the CAD layout elements, including the title block to a data frame in ArcMap and other working CAD, to another data frame. Exporting the layout as a PDF generates a layout with the desired title block.

Article ID: 000013631

  • ArcMap

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