Instructions provided describe how to plot the vertices of intersection between two feature classes and retain the attributes from each.
- Start ArcMap.
- Add the two line datasets to the map document (for example, roads and rivers).
- Navigate to ArcToolBox > Analysis tools > Overlay > Intersect tool.
At version 10, navigate to Geoprocessing > Intersect.
- Add the two layers to the Intersect tool as inputs.
- In the JoinAttributes box, select ALL.
- In the Output Type box, select POINT.
- Click OK. The output feature class, a multi-part feature class, is added to the ArcMap Table of Contents.
- In the Table of Contents, click the selection or click the List by Selection button, and make the output feature class the only selectable layer.
- Turn on the Editor toolbar and select Start Editing.
- Select the output feature class as the target file and change the task to Modify Feature.
- Select all the points in the output feature class.
- Turn on the Advanced Editing toolbar and click on the Explode Multi-part Feature tool.
- Click Save Edits and click Stop Editing.