Instructions provided describe how to install Business Analyst Server on Amazon EC2.
The steps below describe how to configure an instance of Amazon EC2 to run with Business Analyst Server installed.
- Follow the steps in the article Activating ArcGIS Server in Amazon EC2 to get ArcGIS Server setup in the Amazon cloud.
Once the instance is launched from the Amazon Machine Image (AMI), it takes a few minutes for all of the background scripting to run (waiting at least 20 minutes after initiating the instance is recommended). This scripting reads the machine-specific information and then sets up the ArcGIS Server with the proper configuration.
- Copy the ArcGIS Server license file to the Amazon EC2 instance.
- Run the ArcGIS Server Post Install to authorize ArcGIS Server.
- Copy the Business Analyst Server Data Setup and Business Analyst Server Setup to an S3 organizer.
The S3 plug-in tool for Firefox is recommended, as the internal Amazon S3 cannot handle files as large as the Business Analyst Server Setups.
- From the ArcGIS Server machine on the Amazon EC2 instance, log in to the S3 Organizer.
- Download the Business Analyst Server Data Setup and Business Analyst Server Setup to the largest drive that is attached to your ArcGIS Server machine.
- Run the Business Analyst Server Data setup from the ArcGIS Server machine by navigating into the Business Analyst Server Data Setup that was downloaded and double-clicking 'BusinessAnalystServerData.exe'.
For more information regarding the Business Analyst Server Data Setup, please see Set Up Business Analyst Server Data.
- Run the Business Analyst Server installation by navigating to the downloaded Business Analyst Server Setup and double-clicking 'setup.exe'.
For more information regarding the Business Analyst Server Setup, please see Installing Business Analyst Server.
- Run the Business Analyst Server Post Installation, and Web Applications Post Installation.
For more information regarding the Business Analyst Server Post Installations, please see Overview of the Business Analyst Server Post Installations.