Install ArcIMS 3.1 on Windows

Last Published: April 25, 2020


This article shows how to install ArcIMS 3.1.


  1. Run ArcIMS setup.exe
  2. Click View > Readme at the Welcome screen for last-minute changes to the ArcIMS installation instructions.
  3. Read the license agreement and, if you agree to the terms, click 'I Agree.' Click Next.
  4. Select Typical installation. Click Next.
  5. Accept the default installation directory, or click Browse to change it. Click OK and then Next.
  6. If Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3.0_02 is not installed, or you get not detected a JRE installation screen, you must install JRE to run the ArcIMS Manager and Java viewers.

    The setup program looks for a specific registry entry to determine if JRE is installed. JDK 1.3 does not create the registry entry, even though it contains a valid JRE. If the JRE is installed, click Browse to navigate to its location.

  7. Select a protocol and change the Web Server Host Name if necessary.

    If you are setting up a Web site, or a multiple ArcIMS Spatial Server configuration, you must include the domain name, such as If your Web server has a port number, other than the default HTTP port(80), use this syntax: webservername:port number. For example:

  8. Accept the default location to store Web pages and ArcIMS output, or click Browse to change the directory.

    If you accept the default, after the installation you must create virtual directories for the output and Web site (see Step 10). These directories are not required if you select a new location for the output directory.

  9. Accept the default location for the Users Working Directory, or click Browse to select another location. Click Next.
  10. Change the Registry Port and Connector Port if desired. Click Next.

    The ArcIMS Spatial Server, Moniter, and Tasker communicate with the ArcIMS Application Server via the Registry port. The Servlet Connecter and ArcIMs Application Server communicate via the conector port.

  11. Navigate to the location of your servlet directory and click Next.

    If you don't know the location of the servlet directory, click Help for a list of the most common servlet directory locations. If you are not sure, use this location <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Connectors\Servlet, and contact your system administrator. The servlet connector must be moved from this directory to the proper Web server directory before using ArcIMS.

  12. Change your Domain\User Name and password if necessary. Click Next.

    The User Name and Password must be for the installation account and have administrator privileges. This information gives ArcIMS the ability to start Windows services and gives the ArcIMS Spatial Server the necessary privileges to access resources on the local computer or network.

  13. Make sure the displayed information is correct.

    This information is written to <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Common\InstallSummary.log after the installation.

  14. Click Next to begin the installation.

    Microsoft Java Virtual Memory 3186, or later, is required for the ArcIMS Windows Services. The installation prompts you to update your system if Microsoft Java Virtual Memory is not detected, or if you have an older version.

  15. Restart your computer to complete ArcIMS installation.
  16. Update your services file. This file contains a record of the ports in use. It is typically located at <drive>:\WINNT\System32\drivers\etc.

    a. Open the services file in a text editor.
    b. Add the Registry and Connector port numbers to the file.
    c. Save the file.

    This file lets the system administrator know which ports are in use so they will not be duplicated. This information is written to the summary log file <ArcIMS Installation Directory>\Common.

Article ID:000004821

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