Install and run multiple versions of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) on the same machine

Last Published: April 25, 2020


It is possible to install and run multiple versions of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) on the same machine. Users may require different versions of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS to be installed on the same machine when working on projects involving different versions of JavaScript, or due to backward compatibility where newer versions of JavaScript may not work with the newer version of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. To learn more about supported versions of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, refer to the following web help document, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Requirements and browser support.


To install and run multiple instances of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS on the same machine, it is necessary to use a different port than the default port, 3344. The following instructions describe how to do this.
Perform these instructions on the new instance.
  1. Add the port desired in the package.json file in the [install directory\server] in the start segment of the script:
The following code snippet shows the original package.json file:
"name": "ArcGISWebAppBuilder", 
  "version": "2.4.0", 
  "private": true, 
  "scripts": { 
    "start": "node server.js", 
    "install-windows-service": "winser -i",
In the snippet above, add -port=[Port_Number] to utilize a different port number than the default, for example, 3355. The following code snippet showed a completed snippet in the package.json file:
"name": "ArcGISWebAppBuilder", 
  "version": "2.4.0", 
  "private": true, 
  "scripts": { 
    "start": "node server.js -port=3355", 
    "install-windows-service": "winser -i",
  1. In the same [install directory]\server folder, edit the server.js file using a text editor.
  2. Find and replace all the default port number, 3344, with the port specified in step 1.
The picture of find and replace window
  1. Update the App Registration section in ArcGIS Online Organization account to allow the new port to be used as a new redirect URL. For more information, refer to the following web help document, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: Get started.
Picture of newly added port number
  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt. Windows Start > Search cmd.
  2. Change the directory to the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) server folder.
cd installDIR\server
Picture of changing the directory of Windows Command Prompt to server directory
  1. In the new directory (in the Windows Command Prompt), run the new instance the node_x64.exe or node_x86.exe application and adding the new port specified in the previous steps as an additional parameter as shown in the following example.
node_x64.exe server.js [-port=3355]
picture of command prompt window with result
  1. Access Web AppBuilder with the specified port number and the specified redirect URL added in Step 4 using a web browser.
Picture of accessing web appbuilder new port in browser.

Article ID: 000015120

  • ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

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