When using the 'Raster to MrSID' utility, the following error may be returned:
"Input file size exceeds 50 megabytes. A license is required for files of
this size."
This message may be returned even though the file is smaller than 50 megabytes.
The data is most likely compressed. The Raster to MrSID utility will decompress any raster data loaded into it before encoding the information to the MrSID format. If this temporary raw data exceeds 50 MB, the utility will not allow it to be compressed to a SID.
This is most common with JPEG files. JPEG is not only a file format but a compression schema as well. ArcGIS supports a variety of compression schemas. Check the Raster Dataset Properties in ArcCatalog if the compression of a file is not known. Note the line titled "Compression".
If there is a question about the size of a file after it is decompressed, use ArcCatalog to export the file to a new TIFF then check the output size. TIFF's created with ArcCatalog will not have any associated compression. The file size will approximate the temporary size of the decompressed data in the MrSID utility. There is also information found in the ArcGIS help under the topic "About MrSID rasters" to calculate the approximate size of the dataset once decompressed.
Article ID: 000006120
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