Input file exceeds 50 megabytes. A license is required for files of this size

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When converting a raster to a MrSID with either ArcToolbox or ArcCatalog the following error occurs:

"Input file exceeds 50 megabytes. A license is required for files of this size."


There is a limit based on the rasters height, width, and number of bands not the file size on disk.
To determine if the input image exceeds the limit mulitply height x witdth x number of bands. If the result is greater than 50 million the image will not convert to a MrSID.
For more information on this limit see: ArcGIS Desktop Help > Contents > ArcCatalog > Working with rasters > About MrSID.

Solution or Workaround

  1. Split the raster into smaller sections so it does not exceed the limit.
  2. Use the MrSID Encoder license to create the MrSID.

    The MrSID Encoder license has a limit of 500 million pixels, where the height x width x number of bands may not exceed 500 million.

Article ID:000005433

  • ArcMap 8 x

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