Initilizing License Manager: retrying, socket address in use

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Solution or Workaround

Why do I get this message after initiating the license manager?

"retrying, socket address in use"

I cannot run ARC after this.


Either another lmgrd daemon is running or the port spcififed in the license.dat file is in use.

The license manager uses the port specified in the license.dat file. In the sample license file below the port number is 27005.

SERVER trenchtown 7273f46a 27005

The is either another process already using socket 27005 OR they have more than one lmgrd process running. To check for license manager processes type:

ps -ef | grep lmgrd
ps -ef | grep ESRI

If another lmgrd or ESRI process is running, bring the license manager down by typing:

$ARCHOME/sysgen/lmutil lmdown -c $ARCHOME/sysgen/license.dat

Run the above "ps" commands and verify all of the processes are stopped.

If lmgrd or ESRI is still running, kill the lmgrd process and then kill the ESRI process using the kill command:

To kill the lmgrd process, enter the command:

kill -9 pid

where pid is the process id. To obtain the process id, run the command "ps -ef |grep lmgrd" Example:

%ps -ef | grep lmgrd
aaro2215 9949 9872 1 12:31:14 pts/2 0:00 grep lmgrd
aaro2215 9946 1 0 12:27:36 pts/1 0:00 ./lmgrd -c license.dat

The second column of the second line is the process id (pid) number of lmgrd. In this example, the pid is 9946. Disregard the "grep lmgrd" line. Repeat the process for the ESRI daemon. NOTE: lmgrd must always be killed before ESRI.

Next, check for the ESRIlock file in the following locations:

ls /usr/tmp
ls /usr/tmp/.flexlm (".flexlm" is a hidden directory)

If the lockESRI exists, remove it (may require super user)

rm -f lockESRI

If there are no other lmgrd or ESRI processes running and the lockESRI file does not exists, simply change the socket address in the license.dat file (the last entry on the SERVER line - defaults to 27005) to an unused socket between 27000 and 27009. Once the new socket address is in place in the license.dat file, restart the license manager.

Article ID:000001421

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