Incorrect command line parameters

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

The following error may occur when installing ArcGIS Service Packs distributed as msp files (*.msp):

"Incorrect command line parameters"


A third-party application, Paint Shop Pro, breaks the association for the .msp extension.

Solution or Workaround

Follow the steps below to correct the file association.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Folder Options.
  3. Select the File Types tab.
  4. Locate the listing for MSP's (.msp). It should read: 'Paint Shop Pro document' or similar. Click on it to select it.
  5. Click Delete to remove the entry. Click the New button and type in MSP. Click the Advanced button.
  6. When the Associated File Type pull-down menu is populated, go through the list and select Windows Installer Patch. Click OK. Click Close.
  7. The Service Pack installation file (.msp) should now be able to run. If the error persists, redo steps 1-4 and then go on to step 8 below.
  8. Click the Advanced button. If the Advanced button does not exist, click the Restore button and then click the Advanced button.
  9. In the following 'Edit File Type' dialog box, all Paint Shop pro actions are shown such as, Print, Edit, and Open. Click the Remove button to remove these actions.
  10. Change the title, where it reads: Paint Shop Pro document, to read: Windows Installer Patch.
  11. Click the New button to create a new action.
  12. For the Action, fill in the value:

    &Apply Patch

    Verify that the ampersand is included.

  13. In the box marked 'Application to perform this Action', type in the following string including the quotes.

    For Windows XP/2003:

    "C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /p "%1" %*

    For Windows 2000/NT:

    "C:\WINNT\System32\msiexec.exe" /p "%1" %*

  14. Check 'use dde'. This pops up further options.

    - Under Application, type: msiexec

    - Under Topic, type: System
  15. Click OK. 'Apply Patch' appears in the list of actions.
  16. Click OK at the 'edit filetype' box. Click OK at 'Folder Options' to finalize.
  17. The Service Pack installation file (.msp) can now be run.

Article ID: 000007149

  • ArcMap

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