Error Message
The following error may occur when installing ArcGIS Service Packs distributed as msp files (*.msp):
"Incorrect command line parameters"
A third-party application, Paint Shop Pro, breaks the association for the .msp extension.
Solution or Workaround
Follow the steps below to correct the file association.
- Open Windows Explorer.
- Navigate to Tools > Folder Options.
- Select the File Types tab.
- Locate the listing for MSP's (.msp). It should read: 'Paint Shop Pro document' or similar. Click on it to select it.
- Click Delete to remove the entry. Click the New button and type in MSP. Click the Advanced button.
- When the Associated File Type pull-down menu is populated, go through the list and select Windows Installer Patch. Click OK. Click Close.
- The Service Pack installation file (.msp) should now be able to run. If the error persists, redo steps 1-4 and then go on to step 8 below.
- Click the Advanced button. If the Advanced button does not exist, click the Restore button and then click the Advanced button.
- In the following 'Edit File Type' dialog box, all Paint Shop pro actions are shown such as, Print, Edit, and Open. Click the Remove button to remove these actions.
- Change the title, where it reads: Paint Shop Pro document, to read: Windows Installer Patch.
- Click the New button to create a new action.
- For the Action, fill in the value:
&Apply Patch
Verify that the ampersand is included.
- In the box marked 'Application to perform this Action', type in the following string including the quotes.
For Windows XP/2003:
"C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe" /p "%1" %*
For Windows 2000/NT:
"C:\WINNT\System32\msiexec.exe" /p "%1" %*
- Check 'use dde'. This pops up further options.
- Under Application, type: msiexec
- Under Topic, type: System - Click OK. 'Apply Patch' appears in the list of actions.
- Click OK at the 'edit filetype' box. Click OK at 'Folder Options' to finalize.
- The Service Pack installation file (.msp) can now be run.