In the Geoprocessing > Results window, the 'Not Run' category lists tools that were queued or running in Background Processing mode when the ArcGIS product was last shut down.
These tools can be run by doing one of the following:
1. Right-click the tool in the 'Not Run' list and select 'Re Run'.
Right-clicking the tool in the 'Not Run' list and selecting 'Re Run' does the following:
- runs the tool with its original inputs
- places the tool status in the 'Current Session' category
- and clears the 'Not Run' status.
2. Double-click the tool in the 'Not Run' list to execute it from the tool dialog box.
Double-clicking the tool opens it to allow modification of the input data.
When double-clicking, even if it is run without changing anything, it is not considered to have been 'Re Run' and is not deleted automatically from the 'Not Run' category.
In both of the above cases, the new results are added to the 'Current Session' category.