If a copy of a raster that has a function applied is made, then the function on the copy is changed, the original also changes to the new function

Last Published: April 25, 2020


New raster layers can be created with on-the-fly processing by applying raster functions to raster datasets. If a copy of the new raster (function applied) is made and changes to the function on the copy or the original are made, both raster layers will be affected.


When copying/pasting a function layer in the table of contents, the layer is copied, but the in-memory function is not copied. Instead, the initial layer and the pasted layer both point to the same raster function in memory. As such, it is beneficial to think of the function as the source rather than a renderer option. Both layers then manipulate the same source function and a change in the function is seen in both layers.

Solution or Workaround

Generally, raster functions are considerably easy to create using the Image Analysis window. Instead of using the table of contents' copy/paste, recreate the function chain manually. This creates a new in-memory raster, which is independent of the other raster layer.

    Article ID: 000010954

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