HTTP Error 500 Internal server error

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

Connecting to the Workflow Manager Server Object URL (http://<server>/wmrest) returns the following error message:

"HTTP Error 500 Internal server error".


This error occurs because the 'WMREST' Web site is set up to use an Application pool that does not enable a 32-bit application to be run on the 64-bit server machine.

Solution or Workaround

Use the steps below to enable a 32-bit application pool in IIS 7.

  1. Log in to the server and open IIS Manager.
  2. On the Connections pane, expand the server node and click 'Application Pools'.
  3. Right-click and select 'Advanced Settings' on the application pool that is being used for the 'WMREST' site. It is recommended to use the Classic .NET Application pool.
  4. On the Advanced Settings dialog box, change 'Enable 32-bit applications' to 'True'.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Restart IIS and connect to the Workflow Manager Server Object URL in a Web browser.

Article ID: 000011011

  • ArcGIS Workflow Manager
  • ArcGIS Server

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