Instructions provided describe how to publish map services and feature services using ArcGIS for Server for use in web applications.
Before publishing data with ArcGIS for Server, data preparation must be completed based on how the data will be utilized. For example, if the data will be used offline in applications such as Collector, the data must have Global IDs, be either non-versioned with archiving or registered as versioned, and have relationship classes and attachments with Global ID primary keys.
Map Services
As ArcFM data contains custom geo-objects, there is a requirement for certain applications to be installed in order to view the data via ArcMap, ArcCatalog and ArcGIS for Server. The ArcFM Object Reader can be used to meet this requirement:
- Install ArcFM Object Reader 32-bit on your client machine containing ArcMap and ArcCatalog,
- Install ArcFM Object Reader 64-bit on your server machine containing ArcGIS for Server; and,
- Publish your map service following the information from Esri's web help.
The ArcFM Object Reader is a light-weight application which provides read-only access to ArcFM data. Map services can also be published with ArcFM Server installed on the server machine and with ArcFM Desktop installed on the client machine without having the ArcFM Object Reader installed. In addition, it is possible to have one of these applications installed on one machine and the proper bit version of the ArcFM Object Reader installed on the other machine.
Feature Services
Because feature services require editing capabilities, ArcFM Server must be installed on the machine with ArcGIS for Server installed.
- Install ArcFM Object Reader 32-bit on the client machine containing ArcMap and ArcCatalog,
- Install ArcFM Server on the server machine containing ArcGIS for Server,
- Configure the installation to the appropriate ArcFM license server and port,
- Register the Server Object Extension (SOE) with ArcGIS for Server.
- Publish your feature service following the information from Esri's web help.
If ArcFM Server is not installed, and you attempt to publish a feature service, the following error will be returned and editing capabilities will not function properly:
Packaging succeeded, but publishing failed.
Error processing message
Please consult the GP results window for enhanced error description or contact your administrator for server logs.
Like map services, ArcFM Desktop can be installed on the client machine instead of ArcFM Object Reader 32-bit; however, ArcFM Server must be installed on the server machine.
More information on publishing map and feature services, as well as how to install and configure ArcFM Server can be found in the Related Information section below.