In ArcGIS Online, multiple conditions in a single Arcade 'if else' statement are used to simplify tedious workflows that use multiple IF statements. The example below is a script with multiple IF statements.
if ($feature == 1) { "odd" } else if ($feature == 2) { "even" } else if ($feature == 3) { "odd" } else if ($feature == 4) { "even" } else if ($feature == 5) { "odd" } else if ($feature == 6) { "even" }
To simplify the process, use the logical OR operator (||) to insert multiple conditions in a single IF statement.
if (($feature.Id==1) || ($feature.Id==3) || ($feature.Id==5) || ($feature.Id==7)) { "Odd" } else if (($feature.Id==2) || ($feature.Id==4) || ($feature.Id==6)) { "Even" } else { "none" }
The following image shows the trial field is populated according to the Arcade expression.
Article ID: 000027592
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